영남대학교 산림자원학과
대학원 학과소개
산림지원학과는 1979년 9월 임학과로 신설되어, 1994년에 산림자원학과로 개칭되었으며, 1987년 3월에 대학원 석사과정이, 그리고 2000년에는 박사과정이 설치되었다.
산림자원학과는 석사과정에서 산림자원학과 산림이용학으로 전공이 분리되어 있으며, 주요연구분야는 산림을 생산적이고 이용가치가 높은 산림으로 육성하기 위하여 조림, 보호육성, 산림환경보전, 합리적이고 다목적적인 경제, 경영개념과 새롭게 주목받는 산림휴양․치유와 산림복지 분야 그리고 각 산림정책들은 물론 임산자원의 과학적 이용을 위한 종이, 목조주택, 목질패널제품 등의 전문지식을 습득하게 되며, 효과적이고 경제적인 환경자원과 임산자원의 이용방안에 대한 연구를 수행하고 있다. 또한 교육목표에 맞는 실질적인 교육을 위하여 약 334ha의 부속 연습림과 현지실습과 연구 강의를 할 수 있는 연구 강의동도 갖추고 있다.
본 학과의 석사 및 박사학위과정에서 주로 다루어지는 연구분야는 아래와 같다
산림생태와 생물다양성
산림의 지속가능한 관리 및 경제적 가치평가
천연자원 정책 및 관리 거버넌스
산림교육, 치유, 휴양, 산림복지
산림탄소관리 및 기후변화 완화
산림ODA와 국제협력, REDD plus
환경 모니터링 및 평가
산림자원학과의 석사 및 박사 학위 취득 후 진로는; 국립 및 지방의 산림환경연구소, 컨설팅, 정부 기관, 비영리 단체, 학계 등 다양한 분야에서 경력을 쌓을 수 있으며, 현재까지 대학원 석사 및 박사 졸업생의 평균 취업률은 90%이며, 특히 최근 5년간 취업률은 100% 임
Introduction to the Graduate Program in Forest Resources at Yeungnam University
Welcome to the Graduate Program in Forest Resources at Yeungnam University! Our program offers advanced education and research opportunities for students interested in pursuing graduate studies in forestry, ecology, silviculture, and multifunctional forest management and recreation.
The Graduate Program in Forest Resources provides students with the opportunity to delve deeper into the complexities of forest ecosystems, conservation strategies, and sustainable resource management practices. Through a combination of coursework, research, and practical experiences, students develop the skills and expertise necessary to address pressing environmental challenges and contribute to the advancement of forestry science.
Our program offers a wide range of research areas and specializations, including:
Forest Ecology and Biodiversity
Forest Management and Conservation
Natural Resource Policy and Governance
Forest education, health rehabilitation, recreation, and forest welfare
Forest Carbon Management and Climate Change Mitigation
Forest Restoration and Rehabilitation
International cooperation and REDD
Sustainable Forestry Practices
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
Graduate students have the opportunity to conduct cutting-edge research under the guidance of experienced faculty members who are leaders in their respective fields. The Forest Resources Department is equipped with state-of-the-art research facilities, including laboratories, field stations, and 340 ha of experimental forests, providing students with access to the tools and resources they need to conduct innovative research projects.
The Forest Resources graduate program fosters a collaborative and supportive environment where students work closely with faculty members, fellow graduate students, and external partners to address real-world environmental challenges. Through partnerships with government agencies, such as Korea Forest Service, Korea Forestry Promotion Institute, Korea Forest Welfare Institute, Korea Arboreta and Gardens Institute, National Institute of Forest Science, etc., non-profit organizations, and industry stakeholders, students have the opportunity to make meaningful contributions to the field of forestry and natural resource management.
Graduates of forest M.Sc, and Ph.D. programs are well-equipped to pursue careers in a variety of fields, including research institutes, forestry, management, forest fire, tree harvesting, environmental consulting, natural resource management, government agencies, non-profit organizations, and academia. Our alumni have gone on to work in diverse settings around the world, making a positive impact on the environment and society.
For information about admission requirements, application deadlines, and how to apply, please visit or contact our graduate program office (\\engraduate.yu.ac.kr). We welcome applications from motivated and passionate individuals who are committed to making a difference in the field of forest resources.
If you are passionate about forests, ecology, ecofriendly tourism, forest welfare, climate change, carbon absorption, environmental sustainability, and international cooperation, the Graduate Program in Forest Resources at Yeungnam University offers an exciting opportunity to further your education and pursue your research interests. We invite you to join our vibrant academic community and become a part of our ongoing efforts to promote the sustainable management of forest resources.